4 Top Characteristics of the Best Employees
Projections toward the latter part of 2015 predict for a very tight job market in Alberta – both Calgary and Edmonton data show that while StatsCan doesn’t always reflect losses in both (or either market) on a consistent basis, you only have to drive through the downtown core of either city to notice that there are less people, less commuters, and slightly more vacancies. This isn’t news to our readers.
What is apparent, and good advice at any time in the history of the working world whether on the economic upswing or downturn, is what makes for the best employees. What improves hireability – and ‘keepability’? Because employing you is our business, Constructive Solutions Group has taken the question one step further – that is:
What are the evidence-based characteristics that define the best employees, either temporary labour or those ported to permanent contracts?