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Our Mission

Constructive Solutions has established itself as a leader in the recruitment and placement of workers for industries including; Agriculture, Automotive, Construction, Engineering, Healthcare, Hospitality & Service, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas and Petrochemical, among others.

We provide manpower solutions to a wide range of clients. Contact us to learn how we can help you.



Constructive Recruitment Solutions / Informative (Page 2)

Projections toward the latter part of 2015 predict for a very tight job market in Alberta – both Calgary and Edmonton data show that while StatsCan doesn’t always reflect losses in both (or either market) on a consistent basis, you only have to drive through the downtown core of either city to notice that there are less people, less commuters, and slightly more vacancies. This isn’t news to our readers.

What is apparent, and good advice at any time in the history of the working world whether on the economic upswing or downturn, is what makes for the best employees. What improves hireability – and ‘keepability’? Because employing you is our business, Constructive Solutions Group has taken the question one step further – that is:

What are the evidence-based characteristics that define the best employees, either temporary labour or those ported to permanent contracts?

According to research here at Constructive Solutions, businesses in both Edmonton and Calgary pride themselves on being scalable. Flexible. Right-sized for client needs. But what does that mean for the existing pool of labourers and tradespeople that are currently looking for work? Consider temporary labour as an option in order to springboard into your career.

Temporary Labour – What You Need To Know

The best labour agencies were established to connect clients and labourers through practical solutions to temporary labour requirements. With changes to FR programs and potential labour shortages looming, now is the time to carefully consider your working options.

The ICCRC (Immigrant Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council) is a non-profit organization for people dealing with immigration consultants. The organization provides security and safety, and keeps a check on the functioning of immigration professionals. Its main objective is to ensure that immigration consultants are working...

The main goal of these changes seems to be aimed at encouraging employers to focus on Canadian recruitment, retention and training even more. Some of the general processing has changed but all of our clients are still eligible to participate in the program.

How Constructive Solutions Inc. is assisting our clients with these changes:

  • Employers that are immediately affected by the program have been contacted and given a summary of how these changes directly impact them.
  • This document is a summary of the changes and can be used as a guide for your future applications and participation in the foreign worker program.

Temporary foreign workers, or TFW’s have been the subject of much controversy and strife within discussion with Canadians. While there have been some small number of cases where the program has been abused, the majority of people who utilize the program have found that the benefits of the program cannot be denied.

In a nutshell, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program allows Canadian businesses (predominantly those located in West-Central Canada) to hire foreign workers on a temporary basis to meet short-term demands for skill and labour, when Canadian and permanent residents are not available. For a broad overview check out this previous blog post on the temporary foreign worker program in Canada.

According to the Government of Canada, the Canadian born workforce is on a steady decline.  Employers across the country are experiencing skilled labour shortages, and Stats Canada foresees that before the middle of the next decade, almost all labour force growth will come from immigration (Government of Canada, 2014).

Enter the utilization of foreign recruitment to fill this gap – but how does the foreign recruitment process work in Canada?

 Perhaps it’s best to start off with a quick background. To begin with, only Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the right to work in Canada. Anyone who is not a Canadian permanent resident must obtain authorization from Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC) to work in Canada, and Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). These two departments admin the Temporary Foreign Worker (or TFW) program.

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