Where Are All the Good People?

September 25, 2017by Micah Shaw

The “Help Wanted” sections of newspapers hardly exist any more.  The people you want to hire are not looking in the newspaper for opportunities.  So, how can you find the best people for your openings? Sourcing and Recruiting are two different things, and sourcing is a much-needed skill.

Start With Who You Know

Some of the best candidates are referrals from the people who already work with you.  It is human nature that we choose to be with people like ourselves.  Ask your best performers if they know anyone you can talk to about your opening.  Consider offering a referral incentive if the new hire stays for 6 months.

Use Your Company Website

Almost every company has a careers page in this digital world.  The only limitation to this is that candidates must specifically want to work for your company to see the openings you have posted.  If you want to attract candidates from outside of your industry this is not the most effective method of sourcing candidates.

Use the Internet to the Fullest

LinkedIn®, Facebook®, Craigslist®, Indeed®, Instagram® – these are all places where your potential employees are looking. LinkedIn® and  Indeed® give you the convenience of searching resumes for the ideal combination of skills and experience.  With LinkedIn®, you can refine your search in many different ways, so only the most suitable people com to your inbox. The best thing about these sourcing sites is they are free, with the exception of Craigslist®, which has  minimal charges.  If you decide to use an outside agency to help you source candidates, be sure to check that they have expertise in using the full range of tools. Constructive Solutions certainly has this expertise!

Join and Host Events

Get out into the community and let people know you are looking for candidates.  Host events that target your candidate market.  Participate in career fairs, be present on university and college campuses, post with Student Associations.  Publicize that you hold “drop in” interviews one afternoon each week, and make different company representatives the host at these events.

Work on Your Brand

Make sure that your website and public presence reflect your brand in a way that will attract top talent. Your recruiting materials, your website, your representatives all need to reflect why you would be an employer of choice.

Sourcing is an ongoing activity that will help you to build a pipeline of good people.  We can help.Constructive Labour Solutions - CLS - VP Services Header - Uncategorized