Constructive Solutions Payroll Agreement

The Agreement

The Company (“Customer”) designated on the front hereof confirms its agreement with Constructive Solutions (herein referred to as AS) subject to the following terms and conditions of services rendered by AS now or in the future.

  1. AS reserves the sole right to establish the wages and fringe benefits of any of its employees, and assumes responsibility
    for the payment of such compensation, the withholding and payment of all required payroll taxes, and the maintenance of Workers Compensation Insurance as required by Provincial, or Federal Laws.
  2. CUSTOMER agrees to pay the hourly rate of the “JOB DESCRIPTION” consistent with AS current rates. Further, CUSTOMER agrees to abide by AS “Hiring Policy”.
  3. CUSTOMER agrees to pay a rate of time and a half for each employee’s hours over 8 in a day or 40 in a week (Sunday-Saturday).
  4. CUSTOMER agrees to the terms of NE T 15 DAYS from the date of the invoice. All invoices not paid by the 16th day from the invoice date will be considered PAST DUE and may cause interruption of the account unless prior arrangements have been made with our credit department.
  5. CUSTOMER agrees that all overdue accounts are subject to interest charges of 2% per month, 24% per annum.
  6. CUSTOMER agrees that it will not, without the prior written consent of AS, utilize AS employees to operate machinery, equipment or vehicles not covered by the CUSTOMER’S liability and property damage insurance; to operate dangerous or unprotected machinery; for excavation where proper shoring and protection are not provided; for any work on ladders or scaffolding; or as the member of the crew on any vessel or in maritime work upon the navigable waters of the Dominion of Canada.
  7. CUSTOMER agrees to comply with all applicable federal, provincial and local laws, and ordinances relating to health and safety, and in particular agrees and undertakes to provide any safety equipment, clothing, or devices necessary or required by law for any work to be performed, or used by CUSTOMER’S employees in the performances of similar work. CUSTOMER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AS for claims, damages, expenses or penalties (including legal fees and disbursements) arising out of violations with respect to work places or equipment owned, leased or supervised by CUSTOMER and to which employees are assigned.
  8. CUSTOMER acknowledges that AS insurance does not cover claims of AS employees for damage to, loss of or loss of use of CUSTOMER’S owned, non-owned or leased vehicles (including contents and cargo), machinery, equipment or material while being used by or in the care, custody or control of AS employees.
  9. CUSTOMER assumes and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless AS from any claims arising out of acts or omissions of AS employee’s in the performance of their work for the CUSTOMER, and any claims of bodily injury (including death), or loss of use of or damage to property arising out of the use or operations of CUSTOMER’S owned, non-owned or leased vehicles, machinery or equipment by AS employees, and from any claims of or on behalf of employees brought under or by virtue of their employment as a labourer, or as a member of the crew of any vessel.
  10. CUSTOMER agrees that it will not entrust AS employees with the unattended premise cash, cheque, negotiable, or any other valuable without the prior written consent of AS.

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