Recruit The Best and Keep Them

April 11, 2018by Micah Shaw


At Constructive Solutions , we work hand-in-hand with our clients to find the best possible candidates for your openings.  We are exacting in our screening, testing and assessing to ensure that the people we send you meet the standards of your brand when they deal with your customers.

Once a new employee joins your company, we want them to stay.  While we provide a guarantee for each person we place; we hope we do not have to fulfill the guarantee because an employee has quickly become disillusioned or demotivated because of the conditions of employment.  The first three months of a new employee’s experience will determine whether he or she will be a long term asset to you.  If the experience is disappointing or doesn’t match the promise of the brand, the employee will let us know and ask to be removed from the assignment.

There are several important ingredients to a great trial period:

  1. Provide a written plan for the first three months so the new employee knows what to expect.
  2. Provide introductions to key people immediately.  The employee needs to know who can answer questions, who has the most history, and who is the newest employee.
  3. Ensure that the work space has been supplied with the equipment and supplies the employee will need, including passwords and access ready for all technology.
  4. Check in frequently to avoid a build up of confusion or misunderstandings.
  5. Check in at the start and end of every shift and congratulate the employee on progress made.  Catch them doing things right – not wrong.
  6. Increase autonomy as the employee makes progress, and ensure he/she knows why that is happening.
  7. When the plan is complete, congratulate the newcomer and celebrate success.

Some employers miss one or more of these important steps.  This oversight creates uncertainty and anxiety in a new employee who really wants to do a good job.  We helped you find the best candidate, and we want them to stay with you.  If you need help with a successful on-boarding plan, please give us a call.