4 Top Characteristics of the Best Employees
Projections toward the latter part of 2015 predict for a very tight job market in Alberta – both Calgary and Edmonton data show that while StatsCan doesn’t always reflect losses in both (or either market) on a consistent basis, you only have to drive through the downtown core of either city to notice that there are less people, less commuters, and slightly more vacancies. This isn’t news to our readers.
What is apparent, and good advice at any time in the history of the working world whether on the economic upswing or downturn, is what makes for the best employees. What improves hireability – and ‘keepability’? Because employing you is our business, Constructive Solutions Group has taken the question one step further – that is:
What are the evidence-based characteristics that define the best employees, either temporary labour or those ported to permanent contracts?
Of course, be aware that while we’ve analyzed Forbes and the like, you might have a placement whose management team doesn’t end up as enamoured with you as they should – after all this is Alberta, not New York City and your mileage may vary. Without further ado, here are the 4 top-ranked evidence-based characteristics that make up an ideal employee persona – according to such industry giants as Forbes, The National Post, and the Wall Street Journal.
1. Be reliable: dovetailing with the idea of a solid work ethic, reliability says a lot of things to your employer or manager about your personality – least of all that you’re there consistently and on time to get the job done. If nothing else, reliability shows that you’ll grind away at your workload, but really, it’s so much more than that. Reliability is a kind of honesty and while an employee might be full of talent, lofty degrees, or charisma, without basic reliability your company won’t be able to sustain clients, which is a killing blow to a business of any size. In this respect, your habits can make or break you: be punctual, and do what you say you will. Both of these traits will garner the attention and respect of fellow employees and management.
2. Be positive: let’s be real. No one – employer or fellow employee – wants someone who is dreaming up unrealistically positive scenarios all day long. That type of person used to be called a ‘Pollyanna’ too sweet and full of good intentions to be realistic or useful. However, optimism and positivity in the workplace go a long way to influencing your immediate environment, the broader culture of the business, and help people connect – a valuable trait for temporary workers where networking and positive impressions are an important part of the deal. Recognizing others’ contributions, and sharing the leadership role for tasks and ideas are two great ways that employees can make their positive mark in the work environment.
3. Work hard: it’s a rare business these days that can afford to hire someone who sits around and does nothing all day, although it seems that we all know someone’s brother-in-law who has a position like this. Similar to positivity and reliability, the employee who stays stationed at their work site and concentrates diligently on their assigned tasks quickly comes to the attention of their superiors and fellow employees. Employers in Calgary and Edmonton choose temporary labour to help them bring in carefully orchestrated projects on time and on-budget so potentially, a chatty employee could cost more than an hour or two of labour – potentially they could cost a lost contract or a hefty penalty. Where safety permits, position yourself to avoid distractions around you, let your natural curiosity for the tasks at hand lead you into deeper concentration – what work psychologists refer to as the state of ‘flow’.
4. Have good character: last but not least, be a person of integrity. Broader than the concept of reliability discussed earlier, character is a culmination of traits that determine whether people generally view you as a trustworthy ‘good’ person or not. Don’t be afraid to present your opinion when it’s warranted, but know when and how to present yourself to avoid being inflammatory. Be true to your word – even when no one will notice. Remember that a great employee not only follows the rules and culture of the organization but inspires other workers to do so to. The best advice for this one is to act like someone is watching – even if no one seems to be. Word gets around and you won’t be disappointed with the reputation you build.
Interestingly but not surprisingly, none of the characteristics that have been outlined here as the top 4 most sought-after employee characteristics have to do with accreditations. Known as soft skills, these traits are integral to the smooth and effective running of any business organization, regardless of the industry. For more information regarding what makes employees hireable to the best companies and staffing agencies or maybe you want to work for us? Call Constructive Solutions Edmonton at +1 780-423-0014 or Constructive Solutions Calgary at +1 403-719-9200.
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